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Christopher Gerding

Christopher Gerding is a product design and manufacturing specialist. He has 20+ years of experience working with console and arcade video game related products. In the early 2000s, he worked extensively with console-focused, third-party accessory companies developing traditional gaming style handheld controllers.

Chris has designed and launched over 3 dozen new products into specialty and big box retail. He is named on several patents as a result of his extensive product development portfolio.

Chris has a long history of sourcing and manufacturing in both the US and overseas. Nowadays he focuses most of his time creating jobs in the US and manufacturing products in northeast Ohio.

Since 2005, he has been developing and manufacturing accessible gaming solutions for clients who live with fine motor disorders. Chris will attest to the power of accessibility. He believes video games are an important factor in the restoration of a person’s feeling of independence and purpose. Furthermore, some of his clients have reclaimed varying degrees of strength, range of motion, and mobility through consistent use of these control devices.

Dr. Vincent Ortiz is classically trained in general surgery and emergency medicine. He holds medical degrees and has practiced medicine in both the US and the Netherlands.

Dr. Ortiz has worked with a broad patient population. His patients include veterans from the largest VA Hospital in the US, and international populations with varying pathology.

Dr. Ortiz has worked the past three years on designing hardware and software to allow access to rehabilitation through gaming for the disabled community. He has also helped pioneer one of the first Gold standard OBOT (Office Based Opioid Treatment) facilities in Southwest Virginia.

With the recent widespread recognition of his successful OBOT program, Dr. Ortiz is spearheading an effort through ACT Interactive to deliver an affordable clinic Virtual Reality solution. He is facilitating a collaboration with Dr. Patrick Bordnick, Dean of Tulane University. Dr. Bordnick is a pioneer in the use of virtual reality treatment for addiction and substance abuse. Through this alliance, ACT Interactive will address drug addiction and associated psychological conditions – namely PTSD and severe anxiety – through virtual reality.

Dr. Ortiz also works with the doctorate program of the Jung Tao School of Chinese Medicine to combine both Eastern and Western modalities in a clinical trial applied to drug addiction therapy.

stethoscope on medical records
team discussing at the desk

Our team is comprised of a dedicated group of experienced individuals who work together to deliver the best service, products, and solutions in the industry for therapy through gamification.